Recent pastel by iana sophia, from an ongoing exhibition at La Porte Peinte in Noyers, Burgundy; impression 87 of Paris, “Mirror,” from David Leo Sirois’ finished manuscript Silver Shiver Fragment, poem to be published in the Keystone Anthology, from Guildford, England. All are widely welcome to the new open mic, SpokenWord 2 – Open Secret, Wednesdays at 8:30, hosted by David Sirois. Wednesday May 13th at La Barricade in Belleville, an intimate theater in a cellar! See

Banner pastel painting by iana sophia,

Untitled (large view)

“Untitled,” by iana sophia


The streets are emptying their mouths

of words that long had held them down

an aimless flurry of passersby

Sundown stands overhead

& builds a city of stone & green

that seems to fill the absent sky

with fiery lights in brilliant grids

The wind’s chords never resolve

Time’s fingers grip a spinning globe

& draw the soul by slow approach

in soft half-shadows of the dusk

Unknowing we silently chant a word

monotone voices rarely hear

The river rolls backward in

the mirrored circle of my sight

flowing onto inward rocks

returning as a wounded arrow

Twilight’s windows begin to speak

& sob & laugh & groan & sigh

Seagulls learn letters & words

from thoughts we try to guard & warm

beneath the bridge of faint green rails

in cobalt waves their play unwinds

A blurred figure begs the mirror

to unveil its falling shards

To have gone beyond

the hardest layer